Iam sitting at the old car. Do you see the number , 7885 ? The next day of this we go to buy this number unfortunately we get nothing. haha.
The corridor of salut seafood restaurant is looked like very nice.
The overview of salut seafood restaurant.
A lot of people like to eat crab at that restaurant that is why left so few crabs at the basket. Do you hear that? The crabs are shouting out ...... Please dont eat me !!!haha.
This is the shell but look not very fresh.
What is this? This is the table of salut seafood restaurant, i just testing with my camera.
After we finish eat, we chat with each other. I wish to apologize to all of you because at that times i busy to eat so didnt take photo of those dishes i eat. Hehe.
For more information or more photo about salut seafood restaurant, you can visit my friend's blog
XD..i aso wanna eat la bro
I empat mata. Cannot see your price list. haha
nice food..enjoy lots..
later you said i didnt visit.. lol poor camera.. try giving me instead if you ever get a new one.. p/s sorry for the double post.. haha just notice got some grammar mistake when i hit the publish button
i start to worry u will b fatter now... :P
happy blogging...
I met with your blog from BlogExplosion and I found it to be interesting because we both originated from Sabah and also a blogger.
I should call you my "blog senpai" eventhough maybe in terms of age I am sure older.
Keep it up to share about the places in Sabah.. Make this land below the wind becomes land ab*ve the wind.. Sorry, joking..
My next target in blogging right now is to get my own camera so that I can also snap pictures inside my blog like you did.
There is one thing to tell you.. I think when there are too many pictures, your blog loading time become slower and sometimes that can make people lose patients. Luckily I saw the "Gaya Street" pictures and it makes me stay and wait.. lol..
Keep it up bro.. =)
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