Monday, November 24, 2008

First time my post is the popular post in innit nuffnang

Yesterday is a great day for me because my post is the post popular in innit nuffnang. I never have popular post in innit before since i started to blog in July, 2008. Although the technique i used to get the nang is not as nice as well. The reason i visited other people's blog and use the innit 's link so that people can easily nang me but i still happy about it.

I was danged by 3 people yesterday. The first people danged me was burningice. Burningice danged me because his/her post was also the popular post at that times.I hate this type of people. Tiuniasing danged me because i nanged my post by myself. I didnt understand what was the wrong i nanged myself. The last people is Vince92.He danged me because dang people is his habit. I was danged many times by him already.

My post is number 3 in innit nuffnang. So i also can see my post in I should thank for the people who nanged me yesterday. I will cherish the people who nanged me yesterday and i will continue support their blogs.

I opened the innit nuffnang the whole night yesterday. When i saw my nang increased yesterday, i am very happy and i scared other posts behind me will get more nang than me but i didnt go to dang them.
I hope that my post in the future have the chance to be top post again.


Anonymous said...

keep it up!!!

Jordan Tan said...

Keep it up:)

Joga Bonito, play beautiful

jasonmighty said...

Hi there. Good for you ^.^ Congratz..

Anyway, I was danged myself by Tiuniasing, Vince92 and someone called braix23.

And I dang them back ;-) I don't dang people ... only those who dang me without reasons.

TNH said...

well..hope to see this post on top again...haha

confessions of a medical student said...

i've purposely sign on innit and nanged you on innit... haha.. sometimes we tell ourselves, 'i don't really care bout innit, traffic and stuffs'.. but when we see your post on the top of the list, i guess there's this gush of 'feel-good' feeling...

anyway, you have fun.. enjoy blogging and innit-ing ^^

elmie said...

well done you! ^_^

Kuching Remisier Blog said...

haha... keep it up bah,,

Naim Putera said...

ahhaha. good for you. well done:)

I AM A BLOGGER said...

Ooo, congratz. Passing by here. Yup, y can't ppl nang themselves. If it is forbidden, then, this feature shud be disable. Anyway, hv a nice day(^^)

Wallace Tan said...


Anonymous said...

a job well done..
keep it up~~

JunJun-Riko said...

hey congrats on getting into top10 innit o.. hope im not oo late. been away from the net lately. =)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hey Sabahking,
Congratulations,man. I am genuinely happy for you. Keep up the good work!
Chee Hung